Drive is a place where you can create, share, collaborate and store documents, worksheets, presentations, tables, etc. That's pretty much like Google Docs. It has all the features ofMicrosoft Office as well. So, whether it's an official team project, or a vacation planning with friends, Drive comes handy.
All files like videos, photos, music, Google Docsand PDFs can be uploaded to Drive and stored. You can install Drive on desktops and mobile devices, and all can be synced. This means, the contents of the Drive are accessible anywhere, at any time. If you change a file on one device, it gets changed on all devices.
There are some clear advantages, like you don't need to send attachments ; a video can be put on Drive and shared with others. Another is that Search works for scanned documents as well. For example, if you scan a hotel menu and put it up in Drive, you can retrieve it later by searching for one of the items in the menu.
Google is also working on enabling image recognition for search, so that you can, for example , retrieve a photo of Taj Mahal, even though the photo isn't named so.Sharing options can be controlled by the owner of the account.
For increased security, there's an option for 2-step verification. Once enabled, the account holder will have to not only key in the password but also a code that's sent to his or her mobile phone. There's some talk about privacy and IP issues, but the debate goes on.
Up to 5GB storage is free, which Google says is "enough to store the high-res photos of your trip to the Mt. Everest, scanned copies of your grandparents ' love letters or a career's worth of business proposals, and still have space for the novel you're working on".
Google Drive is not the first of its kind. The concept has existed for many years. Microsoft has a good a platform called Skydrive that's quite similar to the Google product. Dropbox is a hugely popular one. For Apple fans, there is iCloud. In fact, Google Drive has entered a segment that is crowded . The advantage is its seamless integration of all Google products.